About us


Transtrend is a Dutch investment manager specializing in the design and implementation of systematic trading strategies.

Transtrend. Market understanding.

Quick facts

  • Based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

  • Founded in 1991 — research since 1987

  • Launch of Diversified Trend Program: 1992

  • Team of 80 investment professionals

  • Assets under management: USD $AuM billion

About us

Meet our team

Here in Rotterdam, we don’t just think outside the box... we’re happy to turn the box on its head if we need to!


Lessons learned

A collection of real-life events that have shaped Transtrend, our team and our investment strategies.



Ownership structure

Transtrend operates as an independent wholly-owned subsidiary of ORIX Corporation Europe N.V., which in turn is wholly-owned by the Japanese financial conglomerate ORIX Corporation.

Supervisory Board

Transtrend has a non-executive Supervisory Board, with a majority of independent members.

Standards Board for Alternative Investments

Transtrend is a signatory to the SBAI — a standard-setting body for the alternative investment fund industry. The SBAI provides a mechanism for creating a framework of transparency, integrity and good governance which improves how the industry operates, facilitates investor due diligence and complements public policy.

Licenses and registrations

Transtrend has the following licenses and registrations:

Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets and Dutch Central Bank

Transtrend is licensed in The Netherlands by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten, AFM) to act as an alternative investment fund manager (AIFM). Pursuant to this license Transtrend is also authorized to provide individual portfolio management services. Transtrend is subject to supervision with respect to market conduct by the AFM and to prudential supervision by the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, DNB) in The Netherlands.

National Futures Association and Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Transtrend has been registered in the United States as a Commodity Trading Advisor under the Commodity Exchange Act and is a member of the National Futures Association (NFA) in this capacity. Transtrend is approved as a swap firm by the NFA. Transtrend is subject to supervision by the NFA and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Luxembourg Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier

Transtrend acts as the AIFM of Luxembourg domiciled alternative investment fund Transtrend Fund Alliance (TFA). TFA and each of its sub-funds are registered with the Luxembourg Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) under part II of Luxembourg Law of 2010 relating to Undertakings for Collective Investments. TFA is under the permanent supervision of the CSSF.

News about #Corporate

We've been shortlisted in four award categories at the HFM EU Performance Awards 2024

Discover our latest Sustainability Report to learn more about our sustainability record

Get in touch with us

If you would like to know more about our investment services, please get in touch with our Investor Relations team.
Brigitte van Eijck-Dossin
van Eijck-Dossin
Bente Stokebrand
You can contact us at: